Sister Wives

FINALLY Meri Exposes Kody’s Secret Affair+Robyn’s True Colors&Tactics,Kody’s New Job, $400k Vs $800k

H who had a great relationship with Robin for Years yet he wasn’t attracted to her oh yeah that’d be Mary he’s full of I’m sorry that’s ridiculous I wanted Christine to be better to everybody and about everybody there was a lot of complaining about the whole experience in plural marriage and somehow or another now she’s morphed it to Robin it wasn’t ever really about Robin it was about her whole experience in plural marriage with other wives

I feel bad for even suggesting Janelle to move to Utah I want to become friends with her in real life because I adore her it brought me immense Joy when Janelle Brown’s children expressed their willingness to replicate what Christine Brown did for Thanksgiving much to the annoyance of Robin and Cody sister wiv star Cody Brown feels intimidated by Christine she possesses a delightful sense of humor kindness wit and endured a Loveless marriage for years while witnessing her husband fulfill all her needs with another woman it’s quite amusing

I believe she’s become hilariously outspoken because she’s finally allowed herself to be she likely suppressed her sassy side for years I recall in season 18 when she remarked that was snarky SL rude I’m sorry no actually I’m not I applauded her for oming her attitude besides she wasn’t entirely wrong while Christine might be demanding to be friends within real life due to her performative nature it’s possible this demeanor is just for the cameras nonetheless she’s someone you’d prefer in small doses yet that witnessing her shed her insecurities and recognize her value has been fascinating the new Christine undeniably intimidates both Cody and Robin personally I wouldn’t care to spend time with any of them while I wish the original wives well and I’m relieved they’ve distanced themselves from the Troublesome du I sense they’d all require significant effort especially Christine I could manage a day with Mary or Janelle but Christine would test my my patience within 20 minutes regarding being performative I interpret it as being excessive as someone who’s often considered too much I’ve embraced Elise Meyer’s advice if I’m too much find someone else some people may find us overwhelming but others will appreciate us I refuse to diminish my personality to accommodate everyone’s Comfort some of us are vibrant talkative energetic individuals we won’t be everyone’s preference and that’s perfectly fine


hello everyone welcome back to my channel bombshell gossip it’s me Elena I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so let’s dive into today’s video

on the other hand I’ve been pondering something lately despite Sister Wives star Cody Brown’s claims of never truly loving the original three wives he’s now fully devoted to Robin calling her his soulmate quite nauseating isn’t it but here’s the Intriguing part when they first connected it felt as if he had acquired a new mistress with three wives already in the mix Robin emerged as a fresh play thing even after their legal marriage they continued to sneak around engaging in clandestine activities behind the other wives backs during that period Robin went above and beyond to ensure Cody’s happiness and provide him with what he lacked from the other wives Akin to the role of a mistress she maintained a Carefree enjoyable Dynamic deflecting attention from her own shortcomings by highlighting those of the other wives now that they’re a monogamous couple one can’t help but wonder when Cody will start noticing that Robin isn’t the person he thought she was she can no longer attribute any shortcomings to external factors and Cody has no one else to compare her to I suspect Robin has modeled her her relationship with Cody after her mother’s relationship with her stepfather that best customer line didn’t materialize out of nowhere personally I believe this realization is already Dawning on Cody Robin’s repeated attempts to physically silence him on camera won’t sit well with someone like him for long he’s been harsher with other wives for far less aggressive behavior which he interprets as a fronts to his ego

Furthermore with the loss of a significant portion of their income due to the downturn in Investments tensions over finances are likely to arise we’re aware of Robin’s propensity for overspending and Cody’s greatest fear is poverty if they’re not already at odds it’s merely a matter of time Robin finds herself in a precarious position now she resorts to belittling the Ex-Wives to divert Cody’s attention but he’s beginning to sense that something isn’t right previously he was surrounded by numerous children working wives and he bassed in the Limelight of their attention now he’s left with three children who aren’t his two more who are all excessively needy lacking Independence and have never held a job along with a wife who refuses to work and is addicted to shopping she often resorts to tears and threats of leaving if he dares to question her actions well that’s not a promising situation especially considering they’re both aging and if their intimate life is becoming mundane Robin’s attractiveness might not be enough to entice another unsuspecting Suitor it’s becoming quite the spectacle watching Robin maneuver through these challenges perhaps she’ll have to arrange a polygamist match for one of her daughters just to sustain the show



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