Sister Wives

Sister Wives: 8 Ways Christine Was A Great Sister Wife (Kody Thinks She Was Awful)

Sister Wives Christine Brown has been part of the Brown family for over 30 years and though she’s not perfect, she’s been a great wife & sister wife.

Sister Wives star Christine Brown has been called out by her ex-husband Kody Brown for being a bad sister wife, but in reality, she’s done the best she could as a wife and sister wife in the past. When Christine announced that she would be leaving Kody and the rest of the Brown family in Flagstaff at the end of Sister Wives season 17, many wondered if it would be the end for her on the series. While Christine had been a huge part of Sister Wives throughout its run, many believed things would change after she announced she’d be divorcing Kody and moving away from Flagstaff.

Christine’s presence in her family’s homestead may have changed, but her time on Sister Wives season 18 was abundant and crucial to the series narrative. Christine, who made the tough decision to leave Kody after nearly 30 years of marriage, wound up guiding Janelle Brown through her own decision to leave the patriarch of the family after a marriage-ending fight. With Christine’s commitment to being a part of the Brown family still being upheld in her relationship with Janelle, Kody’s rampant criticisms of his ex-wife over the way she’s behaved in their relationship hold little to no weight.


8Christine Tried To Work On Her Marriage With Kody

She Even Asked Robyn For Help In Mediating

Sister Wives' Christine Brown and Kody Brown looking serious

While Kody has always perpetuated the idea that Christine wasn’t interested in working on their relationship or her relationships with her fellow sister wives, it’s been disproven time and time again. Christine has shared in-depth stories about seeking help for her marriage with Kody in the past, especially before the COVID-19 pandemic changed things for the Brown family. While Christine was interested in seeing a counselor for their issues, she shared she would’ve settled for Robyn mediating their problems at one time. During Sister Wives: One On One, Christine revealed she asked before realizing it was intrusive to have Robyn give her take on one of Kody’s other marriages.

7Christine Extended An Olive Branch To Robyn Early On

She Tried To Make Her New Sister Wife Feel Welcome

Sister Wives' Robyn Brown, with Christine, Janelle and Meri on either side of her, and three red exclamation points next to Robyn's head

As the youngest and newest wife in the family when Robyn first joined the Browns in 2014, Christine wanted to assure her new sister wife that she would be welcome. At the time, Christine was pregnant with her and Kody’s youngest daughter, Truely, and had difficulty getting used to the idea that another woman would be joining the family. She’s admitted since that she was jealous of Robyn, especially due to the way Kody was treating her. Christine offered an olive branch early on to Robyn, extending a welcome and doing her best to make sure she felt like a part of the family, but Robyn wasn’t receptive to Christine.


6Christine Brought Out A Softer Side Of Kody

She Tried To Push Him To Be Vulnerable & Open

Kody and Christine from Sister Wives, looking angry

Although Kody’s been tough on his relationship with Christine since their 2021 split, it was obvious throughout their time together that Christine helped Kody to access a new level of vulnerability. Though his marriages to both Janelle and Meri also made Kody more emotionally available, his time with Christine was able to help him unlock an entirely new side of himself. When Kody and Robyn met, she has shared she was shocked at his emotional availability. This was likely due to his relationship with Christine, which brought him to a more open place in his life and pushed him into a different place as a husband.

5Christine Was Never Cruel To Meri Despite Their Tough Relationship

She Was Still Open To Meri After Hard Times

Sister Wives' Christine Brown with Janelle, Meri and Robyn in the background

Although Christine and Meri had a difficult relationship throughout their time married to Kody, both women were able to put aside their differences for the sake of the family the majority of the time. Kody has accused Christine of being a bad sister wife in the past, citing her relationships with Robyn and Meri as examples. While Christine and Meri weren’t close, they also were aware that they were both working within the confines of plural marriage and chose to stay respectful toward one another. Meri had a tough time with Christine and Janelle’s children, but Christine continued to maintain a respectful relationship with her.

4Christine Supported Janelle Through Her Issues With Kody

She Said She Would Still Be Supportive If Janelle Chose To Stay

While Christine and Janelle haven’t always been as close as they’ve become since their respective splits from Kody, they’ve always been respectful toward one another and supported one another in the family. After leaving Kody, Christine chose to support Janelle as she worked through her problems with the Brown family patriarch. Rather than abandoning her ex-sister wife, Christine chose to take a more supportive approach and stuck by Janelle’s side as she dealt with her issues with Kody. Despite not knowing if Janelle planned to stay with Kody or leave him behind for quite some time, Christine chose to support Janelle regardless of her final decision.


3Christine’s Kids Prove She Wasn’t As Hostile As Kody Claims

They Support Their Mother’s Independence

Montage of Kody and Christine Brown from Sister Wives looking serious

Although Christine and Kody’s children seem to be siding with their mother, there are deeper problems than what the patriarch of the family has shared with the public in his family. Christine’s kids have supported their mom in her choice to leave Kody, backing her up even if they maintain relationships with their dad, as well. While Kody has issues with his adult children, the fact that his kids with Christine have chosen to support her in her next chapter is telling. It’s clear that Christine and Kody’s relationship, even if it was long-term, wasn’t good for either of them and their kids were aware of their stress.

2Christine Was Always Inclusive With Her Fellow Sister Wives

Even If She Didn’t Care For Them, She Included Them

While Christine had issues with her sister wives while she was married, she tried to be the bigger person when it came to the family at large. Christine was inclusive with her fellow sister wives even when things were tense between them. While there were moments in their relationship where Christine had a hard time with Robyn, Meri, and Janelle, she was always sure to include them in events with her children and general family functions. Though there may have been some issues between Christine and her fellow sister wives in the past, it’s even clear throughout Sister Wives season 18 that Christine prioritizes the Brown family in her decisions.

1Christine Dealt With Kody’s Romantic Relationship With Robyn Despite Being Heartbroken

As A Sister Wife, She Respected His Other Marriages

Montage Of Sister Wives Christine Brown hot pink background

Although Christine sometimes found it hard to deal with Kody’s marriages to his other wives, she was always respectful of his relationships with her sister wives. Despite knowing that Kody was involved in other relationships when she chose to join the family, living in plural marriage isn’t easy and tested Christine at times. She shared that even though she had many moments of jealousy, especially when it came to Kody’s clear romantic love for Robyn, she was always gracious and respectful about his other marriages. Christine’s time on Sister Wives may look different after her split from Kody, but she’s always been a respectful, kind sister wife.


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