Sister Wives

Fans Find Something Christine & Kody Brown Can Agree On

During the Sister Wives Talk Back Specials, the former sister wives and Kody Brown watch footage from Season 18 and respond. Notably, both Christine and Kody Brown have been in the spotlight for not seeing eye to eye on very many things lately. Furthermore, their bickering ignited a fire in the plural family that eventually burned it to the ground. But in the last segment, fans see that Christine and Kody Brown are in complete agreement over one touchy issue.

Sister Wives Look Back Shows Kody Brown And The Former Sister Wives’ Reactions

While Meri, Janelle, Christine, Robyn, and Kody Brown take a look at the final episode of Sister Wives Season 18, emotions arise. But during one scene in particular, they get very high. Each of the former sister wives and Kody is watching Robyn talk about her dream falling apart. As she tears up in the past clip, it becomes overwhelming for Robyn to revisit the moment. But each of the other family members reflects on the scene as it replays. Although Robyn’s reaction was confusing to them, Kody and Christine specifically seemed fed up with Robyn’s theatrical antics.

Robyn and Kody Brown rewatching Robyn's lost dream. - Sister Wives
Robyn and Kody Brown rewatching Robyn’s lost dream. – Sister Wives

Fans See Christine And Kody Brown Align

On Reddit, one Sister Wives fan speaks about Christine and Kody Brown aligning. They say, “Both Kody and Christine looked completely done with Robins crying in the latest episode…” Then they continue saying, “He looked disgusted with her crying in the couch. Then Christine’s reaction was hilarious.” Following, more fans began to respond:

  • “Love this look she shot at the camera. It’s like Christine, Janelle, and even Meri are starting to verbally and nonverbally say what we’ve been saying all along, and I am here for it!”
  • “I don’t think he’s angry at Robyn for crying. I think he’s angry for the OG3 MAKING Robyn cry. Robyn crying means that Kody still has a purpose. It’s to defend Robyn against anything that makes her cry.”
  • “Does Kody’s glare say ‘I’m so over this crying’ or ‘so I forgot what you told me to say, so what?’ 😂.”
  • “Right? I was really shocked that he gave her this look. And held it for a bit. It’s for sure not a sympathetic look. They do not seem happy together anymore. I’m trying to think but, when he was married with all the wives he definitely had rough times but he seemed genuinely happy too. Like I can remember him laughing and smiling a ton more. He just seems annoyed and miserable 24/7 now. Am I wrong?”
  • “I don’t think you’re wrong. I think he’s getting tired of the whining. Seems she taught her daughters to act the same way. The other wives never got away with it. I’m just curious to see what’s going to happen when they have no one else to blame for anything but each other.”
Kody seems tired of the tears. - Sister Wives
Kody seems tired of the tears. – Sister Wives

Fans Discuss Kody Brown’s Confusion

Within the Reddit feed, other Sister Wives fans gave their thoughts on the matter. But most seemed to see that both Christine and Kody Brown agreed that her reaction was over the top.

  • One pokes fun at the lost dream Robyn was crying about, “In my opinion, he looks like he wants to throw her off that porch she’s always crying about!”
  • Someone explains why Kody Brown is confused, “Maybe he can’t figure out why she’s not as happy as he is to get rid of the other 3 wives.”
Kody Brown doesn't seem to understand Robyn's reaction. - Sister Wives
Kody Brown doesn’t seem to understand Robyn’s reaction. – Sister Wives

Fans Believe Robyn Brown Needs An Outlet

However, some fans gave suggestions for Robyn to sort through her pent-up emotions. And others call out Robyn and Kody Brown’s messy relationship.

  • “Robyn really needs someone in her life to give her some honest feedback; she’d be so much less hatable if she just stopped with the fake crying. Surely she has someone in her life that can help her see how pathologically selfish and dishonest she is?”
  • Another person chimes in, “That’s the problem with not having any friends. Robyn needs a Jen.”
  • “I feel like her crying at first got her positive attention from him and now it looks like he is just annoyed by it.”
Christine Brown is over it. - Sister Wives
Christine Brown is over it. – Sister Wives
  • “Robyn seems to have never learned to regulate her emotions and/or is just a manipulative woman-child. She has never outgrown or sought help for this condition. So yeah, it’s got to be like having a perpetual 9 year old who happens to look and function like an adult in other ways. There’s no way I’d find a person like her sexually appealing. And for Christine, Robyn is just an exhausting and dishonest pain in the a**. It’s about time they call her out on this sh*t.”



Do you think Christine and Kody Brown agree about Robyn’s overuse of tears? Do you think Robyn’s reaction was appropriate? Are you wanting to see another season of Sister Wives? Tell us what you think in the comments below.


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