Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’ Preview: Robyn Brown Sees It Was All A Lie?

In an upcoming preview for Sister Wives: Look Back Part 2, the pillars of the Brown family watch and discuss some of the past events. But Robyn Brown in particular seems to be the most bothered by seeing the moments in retrospect. Undoubtedly, in many ways, she has been in denial but seeing the playbacks she is concluding it may have all been a lie.

Look Back Is Coming

Recently, TLC posted a preview for the Sister Wives: Look Back Part 2. Then they caption: “The #SisterWives Look Back continues on Sunday! The Browns reflect on more iconic moments, including Kody’s infamous ‘knife in the kidney’ monologue. Don’t miss it!” The clip talks about how the four wives used to say, “It’s a girl party.” Then it shows a picture of a fun memory of Robyn and Meri laughing together.

Memory of Robyn and Meri Brown having a "Girl Party" - TLC Sister Wives
A memory of Robyn and Meri Brown having a “Girl Party” – TLC Sister Wives

Robyn Brown Thinks It Was A Lie

Afterward, Sister Wives star, Robyn Brown, agrees, “Yeah, they’re good memories.” She adds in almost disgust, “But now I sit here and wonder if they were real.” As the clip continues, Meri and Kody are talking in a replay. Then Meri says, “I’ve been waiting for you, honestly.” And you see Kody shut it down bluntly saying, “And I’m not coming.” Additionally, it shows Meri in tears, struggling through the emotional scene. Following she recalls, “That moment was so painful.” However, the infamous “knife in the kidney” scene was reviewed as well. To which, Janelle Brown asserts, “I would have decked him.”

Christine Brown rewatching Meri Brown's struggle. - TLC Sister Wives
Christine Brown rewatching Meri Brown’s struggle. – TLC Sister Wives

Kody Brown Gets A Life With Robyn Brown

While the Sister Wives teaser tears on, it shows Christine, Janelle, and Meri all getting visibly fed up. Additionally, each one’s body language and facial expressions exhibit their frustration. But, it gets even juicier when Kody Brown angrily threatens, “You guys get in line or get out!” However, his cockiness wears off when he admits, “They just got out.” And then Kody is left with his only “submissive” wife, Robyn Brown, to build their freshly monogamous life together.

What Fans Are Saying

In response, Sister Wives fans are talking about Meri, Janelle, Christine, Kody, and Robyn Brown’s reactions.

  • “I love how completely unbothered christine and janelle look during his mantrums 😂.”
  • “Kody: ‘U guys get in line now or get the hell out‼️’ Christine, Janel &Merri : 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.”
  • Another voiced what many fans are concerned about, “Are you sure we can stream it on max? Because the other ones aren’t on there.”
  • “Janelle is not holding back anymore haha 😂.”
  • “I think I might have knifed him in the kidney before I got the hell out! 😂😂😂.”
  • “😂😂😂😂 Narcissistic not getting his way, good actor, he wanted this!!”



Do you think Robyn Brown is right that it was all a lie? Are you ready for Sister Wives Talk Back and Look Back episodes? Tune in for Talk Back tonight December 29 at 9/8c and Look Back on Sunday night December 31, at 10/9c. Drop your comments below.


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