General Hospital

Jason reveals shocking news to Carly – Morgan is alive ABC General Hospital Spoilers

our Hospital spoilers that Jason would be closer to Carly this time but he still has a lot of things he hasn’t told Carly however in the end he knew he had to tell Carly something important which was that karly’s son Morgan was still alive Jason understands that revealing this truth may cause complicated emotions for Cari but she truly deserves to know the truth although telling organ story could be a difficult task he wants to face it out of

sincerity and respect for Carly he wants Carly to know that every decision he makes is based on respect and love for her sharing the truth about Morgan will create a stronger bond between them and Jason hopes that Carly will accept this information cly and face two future challenges with him how will cly react to this information what will happen Jason explains Morgan’s past with FBI and Pikeman Corporation revealing Morgan was once a spy like him to infiltrate that Corporation however Morgan betrayed the FBI and moved to work for Pikeman becoming

one of the high ranking members of the criminal organization Carly was happy to know her son was alive and not dead like she had thought however her anxiety sets in when she realizes Morgan is on the opposite side of them Morgan’s Patrol is a huge shock to Carly but also a new challenge in the fight against Pikeman Carly feels compelled to do something to save her son but at the same time they have to face the fact that dord may have


changed and become a dangerous enemy she could only be her son fell into the hands of a criminal organization like Pikeman was willing to do cruel things what will Carly do after knowing Morgan’s situation Jason decided to help to ask Carly to convince Sunny to help more can escape the dangerous situation he had fallen into to however Carly worries that Sunny won’t believe Morgan is alive especially when he doesn’t believe what Jason

says however Carly is determined to find ways to help her son and that includes commencing Sunny even though she understood this wouldn’t be easy Carly couldn’t sit still and wait she felt she needed to do everything to protect Morgan and get her son back safely Carly will use every piece of evidence she can to convince sunny as Morgan’s safety comes first she wanted to quickly see her son faced with difficult challenges Carly will never stop fighting for Morgan’s future well sudden believe what Carly said will you quickly assist in rescuing Moran but

even without Sun need’s help Jason and Carly still want to pull Morgan out of the Pikeman group they could not accept Morgan continuing to be inside an organization that could have harmed him and the entire family however they also have to face the truth of whether Morgan has been corrupted by the influence of the Pikeman

group the fact that Morgan became a high ranking member of the organization may they worri about his loyalty still Jason and Carly didn’t give up hope they are willing to do everything to find a way to free Morgan from pin’s Bad Influence can Morgan return and ch decision after joining this group or You’ be determined to follow the Pik group how will things turn [Music] out.



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