General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Behind Curtis’ Life-Changing Surgery – Portia Must Agree to Strike Deal?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal that Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) will have some big news for Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) during the week of December 4-8. It turns out there’ll be an experimental procedure that Portia feels is worth mentioning.

Of course, Portia is an excellent doctor and a wife who’s sensitive to Curtis’ situation. In other words, Portia wouldn’t be mentioning this procedure if she didn’t think it’d be of value to Curtis.

It sounds like Portia will do her research and come to believe this could be a path to Curtis regaining the use of his legs. Curtis may receive updates and feel like this could truly be a chance to get his old life back.


However, it’s never that simple on a soap! There’s no drama if Portia simply discovers an experimental procedure for Curtis and signs him right up.

The show will inevitably create some obstacles, so perhaps this procedure will be part of some clinical trial that’s already full.

This is the kind of thing that many paralyzed patients will want in on, so Portia may get Curtis’ hopes up and then learn he may not be able to participate after all.

If there are no spots open, how far will Portia go to make sure Curtis gets one? Would Portia go as far as striking a deal with Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober)?


Now that Austin Gatlin-Holt (Roger Howarth) is deceased, Cyrus is going to need a new doctor to help him out at GH. Maybe Cyrus will decide Portia would be a good replacement and offer to make it worth her while if she’ll fill the void.

Cyrus may have some connections through his drug empire that could ensure Curtis is a recipient of the experimental procedure he needs.

It would go against everything Portia stands for to work for a man like Cyrus, but she might be desperate enough to reach an agreement. Portia could find herself indebted to her enemy, but at least Curtis would have a chance to walk again!

Will Cyrus be responsible for Curtis getting life-changing surgery? Will Portia have to reach a deal with Cyrus to make it happen?

General Hospital spoilers say Cyrus will definitely throw some new curveballs soon, so stay tuned!



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