General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Andrea’s Suspicious Offscreen Miscarriage – Is Surrogate Lying to Keep Molly & TJ’s Baby?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal that Andrea Gates (Lily Anne Harrison) delivered some horrible news to TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) in the November 15 episode. Andrea revealed that she’d suffered from cramps and bleeding the night before, so she headed to Mercy Hospital and supposedly got confirmation on a miscarriage there.

Of course, we can’t help but notice how suspicious this situation is – at least when we look at it through a soapy lens.

Why did the show choose to have Andrea go through this baby loss offscreen?


It would’ve been much more dramatic for Andrea to double over in pain during a lunch with Molly Lansing-Davis (Kristen Vaganos) or something along those lines.

At the very least, Andrea should’ve been rushed to GH while a frantic TJ awaited updates on the fate of his unborn child.

Instead, Andrea didn’t give TJ this news until the entire ordeal was over – and it all played out at another hospital entirely!

There isn’t nearly as much drama in that scenario, so maybe there’s a reason why the writers chose to do it this way.


What if Andrea lied about the miscarriage and is secretly trying to keep her biological child for herself or sell this baby to the highest bidder?

We only know the sweet version of Andrea that she’s let Molly and TJ see, so there could be another side lurking underneath.

Since Andrea isn’t willing to try the surrogacy again, that could be another potential clue that she’s still got a bun in the oven.

It’d be easy for Andrea to move away with her husband and young son now that she’s seemingly done with the surrogacy.

Andrea’s baby bump could grow elsewhere while Molly and TJ try to figure out another path to parenthood.


No matter what’s really going on with Andrea, this is obviously a setup for Kristina Corinthos-Davis’ (Kate Mansi) surrogacy offer to come back around.

However, it’d be interesting if there’s still more to the story with Andrea.

Kristina may get pregnant using TJ’s sperm and eventually face maternal feelings that make her want to keep her own flesh and blood.

That could complicate things as Kristina prepares to hand that baby off to new Mommy Molly.

Now imagine if Andrea gives birth and gets caught hiding the fact that she lied about the miscarriage.

That could lead to Kristina thinking she could keep the baby she’s bringing into the world while Molly raises the other one with TJ.

Molly would naturally want both babies, so it could create quite a mess! It’d be a soapy outcome that could cause a lot more conflict between Molly and Kristina.

Bottom line, it’s tough to buy Andrea’s baby loss story since we didn’t see any of it with our own eyes.

That’s always suspicious on a soap, so we won’t be surprised if Andrea lied about the whole thing.

General Hospital spoilers say Molly and TJ’s storyline will come with more curveballs, so stay tuned.

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General Hospital spoilers say Curtis and Portia could face some new challenges soon, so stay tuned.


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